Transforming scholarship into compelling media for public audiences.

Content Creation

From script creation to sound editing and graphic design, we provide a wrap around service designed to transpose academic research into reliable and relevant audio and video media.

Public Scholarship Training

Whether you want to publish an op-ed, practice for podcast appearances, or create your own research-based podcast or YouTube channel, our coaches will provide the tools for success.

Strategic Connections

We know how frustrating it is to have a message, but no strategy for public delivery. We connect you with media collaborators who will partner with you to get you on the airwaves, in front of the camera, and ready to publish written work.

Recent Partners

Nishe Media is a media consulting group run by — and for — scholars. We understand the complexities of academic research and how to transpose it into reliable and relevant media. We also know the challenges of doing public scholarship in today’s media ecosystem.